Become a Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with Berthoud Local. We are a group of like-minded neighbors that are passionate about promoting local food, business, and the economic development of our garden town. As a volunteer you will learn different techniques on growing your own food, and meet wonderful new people in the process! Become more self-sufficient and help promote community resiliency.
There are several ways to volunteer. Find an area of interest and connect with us to get started!
Board of Directors - as a Board Member your time and talents are put to use in planning, coordinating, and propelling our mission forward.
Community Garden Planning Committee - in coordination with the Garden Manager, help create the gardening plan for the year.
Gardening - commit to a schedule to be at the garden to help in planting, weeding, watering, as well as harvesting.
Class/Workshop Instructor - Our Educational Series gives instructors a venue to share their knowledge and promote skills for people to make/do/learn more about their local and immediate environment. Instructors are compensated. To submit your ideas for a class, please fill out this class agreement form.
Photographers & Marketing Promotion Assistants - attend local events and take photos, and help promote our community events in coordination with the Communications Manager.
Food Bank Harvest Liaisons - assist in harvesting and delivering produce to the local food bank.
Please fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire Form at the link below and one of our Berthoud Local Board of Directors will be in touch with you to get started. Welcome to our community!